Greetings Fellow Cattlemen & Women!
It’s hard to believe as we write this we are entering into 2023! Where does the time go—one year seems to blend right into the next. As we look back over the year 2022 all we can think is “What a ride”. To call it a rollercoaster would be an understatement. We’d be shocked if this is the only bull catalog you receive that makes mention of the back-to-back blizzards in April. Although it did seem to break us out of the prolonged drought, they were stressful & labor intensive. It really tested the integrity and resilience of the farmers, ranchers, and livestock as well. We had a wise man tell us, after the first blizzard ripped through, that as long as your losses remain outside your home you’ll get through just fine. That was something that stuck with us and speaks volumes. As hard as you fight to save and protect your livestock the well-being of family, friends, and neighbors is far more important. As we enter 2023 we may be approaching some of the most exciting times in the cattle industry that many of us have never seen! Cattle numbers are at record lows, and demand for our great product is at record highs! We don’t think we all realize how great and how highly demanded Certified Angus Beef really is. To truly position yourself to take full advantage of this upward moving cycle is very important. As producers we need to emphasize fertility, soundness, fleshing ability, and those calves will grow and develop on nothing more than grass & mama’s milk! Please join us on February 11th for the opportunity to acquire seedstock that will go to work for you and give you the best chance at being on the winning end of this cattle trend. Great emphasis was put on producing good mothers with good feet and udders in this bull crop. Featuring sons from LD Capitalist 316, Sitz Resilient, Sitz Stellarator, & B Bar Black Mass, we have really stressed the importance of phenotype & functionality to be atop of chasing big numbers and trends. We would like to be thriving in business in 20 more years and have you right there with us! Thanks for your support. See you February 11, 2023! -Maus Angus Ranch